Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Body Grip Trap - take one

One of my pieces is a body grip trap covered in ceramic bones to illustrate how I feel trapped in my own body due to the pain. The bait is a pill bottle, that will be ceramic, and is connected to a string which is in turn connected to the trigger. The viewer is tempted by the bait and goes for it and in turn sets the trap off, the bones shatter, and they drop the bottle and it too shatteres.

This has been a experimental and very dangerous thing so if you want to try it be careful. There are a few hick ups that I need to work out. You will see that I pull the trap off the ground but it wasn't suppose to come off the ground when I pulled the bait. I have since figured out the problems but this was the first take...


leandra urrutia said...

think about how you might capture this with video for the final. it needs much more planning so that you can have a polished digital piece to complement the physical one. something to think about and something that can make you more flexible as an artist. perhaps you should take a video class too?

Stephanie the Elder said...

Best part was when you screamed.

Honestly, I'd rather see this live for the final, just more, well, fine tuned. It doesn't have that BAM factor over the internet, but face to face it sure does.

And this way, whether you meant it to or not, it reminds me of the car accident you had, even though you didn't get hit in the shoulder.